Mizorama KTP leh YMA te kan han khawmpui tak tak thin mai kha chu, mikhual kan tam thei bawk a, thlen in te pawhin riahna an chang mang lo va, an riak chhuak lek lek thin chu a ni e. Khawmpui lianah hian, Thenzawl, Champhai, Kolasib, Kawnpui, Kawrthah,Saitual,Khawzawl leh Ratu ah te ka kal ve tawh a. Anuam ber chu a hrehawm ber tum kha a ni lawi a, chu chu Ratu kha a ni mai thei. Ratu KTP khawmpui khan sawi a hlawh a, hriat reng a hlawh a, a hlimawm ber mai! Ratu KTP khawmpui hma khan tui van turzia kha an sawi lawk nasa khawp a, kan han thleng ta a, a lo vang ngiang reng a. Chaw kan han ei a, dal kan hmeh a, a hlimawm khawp. Chaw ei kham chuan kan thian Pu Zomawia ta pek chuan,"Tui a vang a vang an ti a, a lo vang lo khawp mai, an dal reng a dal mai," a ti ta leng leng mai a. Kan ip chawih chawih mai!
"Khaih khaih insum hram hram rawh," kan ti a. "Mai mai a, an bang te hi rawng ka hnawih thar e te an ti a, chawhmeh lei nan hmang zawk se a tha ang chu," te a la ti ta deuh deuh. Kan pui thei a nia!
Ni e, mikhual hi kan that hnem chuan ei tur te, in tur te hian a daih mawh thin. Mahse hlim tak leh inphal taka min lo thleng thin tute hi an va hluin an inpekna a va sang thin tak em. Tluk loh rim an nam, kan lawmthu sawina te hre pha dawn hauh tawh lo mahse, kan thlen in te chungah khan lawmthu kan sawi tha leh duh a ni.
Khawpui zawkah leh in nei tha zawk te hian mikhual thlen kan tim a. "Khum kan nei lo, pindan kan nei lo, mikhual kan thleng thei lo ang," kan ti mai thin a. Mikhual te hrehawm kan hlauhna avang chu a ni ngei a, mahse mikhual thlen kan tim hrim hrim vang a ni mai thei.
USA Mizo te zingah chuan khawmpui te awm ve vak hek lo, mi khual thlen dur dur hi har deuh mai a ni. Mahse July 19 21012 ni zet kha chuan mikhual in riak kan ngah ve khawp mai. Mak tak a ni. Kan mikhual ngah record a ni a, chumi chanchin chu tlem han sawi ila. A hlimawm em a!
1. Rev. Vanlalbela chuan USA ah rawngbawlna nei turin min rawn thlen chilh a. Kan lawm hle mai a. Kan fanu te zawk pindan chu kan luahtir a, kan fanu chuan chuan a u pindan a fin a. Kan awm ve nawk nawk a.
2. Rev. Vanlalbela rawngbawlna Pathianin mal a sawm a, mi rilru a hawng a, kum thum chuang lai inthen tawh Presbyterian Kohhran pahnih pawhin infinkhawm leh kan duh ta hial a. Chu infinkhawm lawmna chu July 19 2012 Pathianni-ah ruat a ni a. Hemi a thu sawi tur hian Rev. H.Vanlalruata te nupa Atlanta atangin an lo kal vang vang a, kan lawm em em a; kan inah an thleng a. Kan fanu upa zawk pindan chu kan luahtir ve leh a. Kan fanu pahnih te chu kan pindan lama rawn inpu lut mai turin kan ti a.
3. Ni ropui tak hmang tur kan nih miau avangin Rev. J.H. Vanlalhruaia (kan pastor), Tyron Pennsylvania a awmte an lo kal ngei ngei a ngai a. Vanneihthlak takin an chhungin mi panga an lo kal thei a, kan inah an rawn inpu lut ve leh thei ta bawk a. Kan fapa te mutna kan basement chu anni pual hian kan han ri ruat ve leh ngawt a. 'Tlangval ho chu living room ah te an mu thlep ve mai mai tawh ang chu' kan ti mai a.
4. Rev.H.Vanlalruata fanu Puipuii thiannu Ethiopia nula Miss Titi, Atlanta atanga an rama haw tur chuan a flight a miss hlauh mai a. Chuvang chuan Washington Dulles Airport a nileng zankhua awm mai mai ai chuan tiin kan naute kan zuk lamtir vang vang a. A ni pawh chu a rawn inkhai lut ve leh ta hlawl bawk a.
Kan fate an tet lai kha chuan kan in hi kan tawk ve tiu teu viau tho va. Mahse an lo nulat tlangval takah chuan kan tawt a ni ber mai. "He lai hi tlem i zauh ang, i nawr pawng ang," kan tih mai mai ang kha a theih ve der si loh. Chuvang chuan bungrua pawh hi kan nei tha thum ngam lo va, a lova awm theih loh chin chauh bak hi chu engmah kan nei lo reng a ni. Heti khawpa tawt sa nih nak alaiin malsawmna hetianga mikhual lama kan han dawng leh hi a ropuiin a lawmawm em em a, ngawih bopui phal chi niin ka hre lo. 'Mikhual neih theih lai chu vanglai a ni e' an ti thin a, a dik tak tak a nih ngai chuan tun hi kan vanglai a ni ve ta reng mai!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
New York, 'A city that never sleep' is truly a very vibrant city, day and night. You won't understand until you were practically inside. To describe New York one may use any word like, huge, tall, congested, fast, fun, fair, free, crowded and it will fits it all. Washington DC is always called 'Most powerful city in the World' while New York is called 'Greatest city in the World'. It is probably true on both.
That day, July 10 2012 (Tuesday) was a special day for us, especially for Pu Bela, as he travelled from the World's Most Powerful City to the World's Greatest City in the World and back.
My wife and I wanted to take Rev.Vanlal Bela to New York City to show him what its really look like. I had asked my kids if they would like to come along, but nobody wished to. To visit US without seeing New York is rather incomplete, thats why we would like to take Pu Bela before he went back to India. Even though Rev. Bela kept on saying he had seen New Delhi and never believed there could be any better. However, once we got there and be there, we didn't have to say anything; he was automatically convinced that there could be a better and greater city than New Delhi!
We went there just for a day. But it was long enough for him to have some idea about the city, especially Manhattan, I guess.
That day, July 10 2012 (Tuesday) was a special day for us, especially for Pu Bela, as he travelled from the World's Most Powerful City to the World's Greatest City in the World and back.
My wife and I wanted to take Rev.Vanlal Bela to New York City to show him what its really look like. I had asked my kids if they would like to come along, but nobody wished to. To visit US without seeing New York is rather incomplete, thats why we would like to take Pu Bela before he went back to India. Even though Rev. Bela kept on saying he had seen New Delhi and never believed there could be any better. However, once we got there and be there, we didn't have to say anything; he was automatically convinced that there could be a better and greater city than New Delhi!
We went there just for a day. But it was long enough for him to have some idea about the city, especially Manhattan, I guess.
Rev. Bela adjusted well in the Street of New York . |
New York Subway, on the way to Battery Park where we would ride a ferry from, to go to Statue of Liberty |
Statue of Liberty one reason to go to New York |
Walking in the walkway around the island, by the statue. |
Twin Tower; remake under construction. So so tall. |
Mahanttan in the background--Freedom Tower the tallest of them all. |
Taking a break while viewing New York skyline. |
On top of Empire State Building..viewing the greatness of the city. |
Looking down from the viewing gallery- Empire State Building. |
Times square is where young people like us flock together. |
A young girl had her naked body painted over..people love to see her. |
Times Sq. contemplating where to go next? |
Madame tussauds of course, Morgan Freeman standing outside, free for everyone to take a picture with. |
Long but peaceful Tunnel under the water on the way home..in Baltimore. |
Mi azawnga pawi sawi lo ber mai Tv. Tluanga chu July 2 2012 khan a hna thawk haw, a maha zana a kal lai chu midum pahnihin an zui a. A chenna in bul mai, Washington North West DC, an in hnaih te a, an sawisa nek mai a, a khabe te an hnek tliak a, apawiin a khawngaihthlak em em a ni.
Tv. Tluanga hi pa awm nem te, Mizo faah pawh a derdep pawl, mi pawisawi lo hliah hliah hi a ni a. Dik tak chuan 'mi pawi insawilohsiak' pawh awm se lawmman dawng pha ngei ngei tur ang chi hi a ni. Mahse misual a tawng miau a, a neih ang ang an chhuhsak a, an sawisa nek bawk. Thi anga ngaiin an kalsan pawh a ni mai thei. Eng emaw ti tiin an in a vak thleng a, dawmdawiinah a awm nghal char char a. A chanchin hria leh a ma mizia hria tawh phawt chuan kan lainat a ni ber mai.
Kei pawhin ka khawngaih em em a, Washington Hospital a a awm laiin kan kan a. Kan nupa bakah, Rev.Vanlal Bela awm lai a ni hlauh va, anin tawngtaina hun a hmang nghe nghe a.
He vanduaina rapthlak tak, pawi em em vang hian hla kan ziak ve ta hial a nih hi.
Vangkhua a lum
A vang ro sum,
Misual an rum,
Mizo kan tuar.
A na kan pum,( taksa pum tihna)
Mitha kan zum.
Tanrual kan tum.
Mizo kan pung.
Tv. Tluanga hi pa awm nem te, Mizo faah pawh a derdep pawl, mi pawisawi lo hliah hliah hi a ni a. Dik tak chuan 'mi pawi insawilohsiak' pawh awm se lawmman dawng pha ngei ngei tur ang chi hi a ni. Mahse misual a tawng miau a, a neih ang ang an chhuhsak a, an sawisa nek bawk. Thi anga ngaiin an kalsan pawh a ni mai thei. Eng emaw ti tiin an in a vak thleng a, dawmdawiinah a awm nghal char char a. A chanchin hria leh a ma mizia hria tawh phawt chuan kan lainat a ni ber mai.
Kei pawhin ka khawngaih em em a, Washington Hospital a a awm laiin kan kan a. Kan nupa bakah, Rev.Vanlal Bela awm lai a ni hlauh va, anin tawngtaina hun a hmang nghe nghe a.
He vanduaina rapthlak tak, pawi em em vang hian hla kan ziak ve ta hial a nih hi.
Vangkhua a lum
A vang ro sum,
Misual an rum,
Mizo kan tuar.
A na kan pum,( taksa pum tihna)
Mitha kan zum.
Tanrual kan tum.
Mizo kan pung.
Monday, July 2, 2012
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There was no warning, there was no proper weather forecast, it happened quickly. It happened so devastatingly. If it was hurricane there could have been some warning, but it was just a storm, a severe storm, a very wicked storm that caused us a 40 hour long power outage. Unbelievably suffocative.
It was friday June 29 2012, I remembered it was 10. 30 pm, our only inleng that night Tv. Mawitea realizing that we were working the next day left us all of a sudden. He had had not made it far, the rain started pouring down, thunder and lightning came blasting. Our respected house guest Rev. Vanlal Bela of Aizawl Bawngkawn, had just turned off his window unit AC in his room, and immediately went to bed. Lucky him, he did not have to go thru all the turmoil. Then I saw our house light got flickering, therefore, I warned my family that there could be power outages. Nobody seemed to heed, they continued whatever each one doing. I couldn't blame them as it rarely happened. The storm did come, I could hear it, I also felt it, and immediately followed by the black out! And then blazing lightning, flashing thru the windows, a long with loudest ever thunder, a very unpleasant sight, a very unpleasant sound!
For more than ten years in the US, we have never had any power outages longer than 1 minute. There may have been a couple of times we had black out, but each time it lasted less than a minute. That night nobody really prepared for what to happen. We just hoped that everything would be back to normal in a matter of a minute. But it didn't. After a minute or so we started to get panicked, rummaging for the flashlights, candles, lighters etc. You could imagine how frustrating it might have been, we were not prepared. There were no reason to stock candles, flashlight nor any kind of lamps.
It was a record breaking hot day that FRIDAY day time. The temperature read 104 f. which was somewhat equivalent to 40 degree cc. Washington DC metropolitan area experienced the hottest day in 138 years. This was the time we need AC the most. With the power outage, needless to say, the AC stopped running, the fans stopped spinning and all kinds of blowing machines ceased to work. Due to severe climate, apparently, houses are designed to withstand extreme temperature, totally air and watertight, impermeable, there was no chance at all for outside cool breeze to sneak in once doors were closed. Therefore in the absence of AC, cozy rooms have become a hot furnaces in a weather like this.
Aside from cooling absence, what looks so simple but so hard to cope with was smelly bathroom. In every bathroom, somewhere above the toilet they install an exhaust fan in the ceiling. This is meant to blow the smelly stuff out of the room. Once the blowing thing does not work, unless people cease using the toilet, the smelly thing comes to life!
Bathroom can also get smelly for some guys miss their target because of darkness. Many bathroom do not have windows for natural light to get in. In this case, in the absence of enough light, especially when there was no power, you know, some incompetent men tend to miss the bulls eye and spray to the floor instead. This is not only stingy but also yucky.
As many traffic lights went dark, driving out in the street was really chaotic. Drivers especially new drivers got panic more and therefore caused more car accidents. At every intersection where traffic lights went dark, drivers carefully had to yield all directions before crossing the street. And its a moral duty for drivers to stop and go and to drive defensively. This hampered the traffic flow and took much longer than it usually did. Another problem this storm brought about was road closed. Many streets and parkways were closed due to falling and uprooting trees.
The next day, saturday was as hot as the previous day. On this day four states, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland and District of Columbia declared state of emergency. Many offices, shops, businesses were closed. Government made some preparation in setting up cooling stations in many places. They opened schools, libraries, malls and public places longer for people to come and cool themselves off. This arrangement helped the needy a great deal. Greater Washington metropolitan area practically came to a stand still. It was recorded that more than 1,000,000 houses did not have electricity, many houses were down, and about nine people were dead in connection with this storm.
It was said that all the generators in the shops were sold out almost instantly. And for the first time candles were set up and lighted not because we wanted to make the occasion romantic nor because any birthday celebration was taking place! It was just because we needed some light, any light. From a car radio we learnt that utilities companies worked round the clock to repair the broken lines. However they kept on saying that the restoration work might take weeks to complete the job. We didn't know when would our house be fixed, and we just waited... with fingers crossed!
On saturday, I came home early from work and there were not much to do. Since it was so hot and messy, there was no point in going out. At the same time, there were none to do at home either. There were no TV, no internet, no telephones, no cooking possible, no refrigerator useable. The only thing we did was spreading bed sheets on the first floor and lay there, reading books; doing yoga, and took nap in between. That was the only thing we could do, and the only thing worth doing, the only cool thing at this point!
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The floor, where we relaxed whole day. |
Then came sunday. We got invitations from friends to go over their houses to eat and possibly to sleep over. My kids naturally wanted to take advantage of our mishap by suggesting us to go to a nice restaurant. However, as friends were so insistent in having us to have food with them, to my kids dismay, we went to their house and spent our sunday free time in an AC house.
While we were at friends house, my kids called our home phone to check if we already had power. As long as the call went straight to voice recording mode, we knew that we still didn't have the power. They kept on calling and calling until the phone kept on ringing. Once the phone ring non stop, then we knew that our power had been restored. It had been a 40 long hour black out, an experience we would never ever want to repeat...but it was over ..yay.
Our area has alway been lucky in regards to natural calamities, we were grateful about that. In other states; land slide, land sinking, mud slide, wild fire, flood, drought, tornado, earthquake etc. were pretty common. We believed that we were free and would never be affected with all these adversity, we always thought these were only for other states; but now we realized that we were wrong. We now admit that our area is as vulnerable as the rest of the country when it comes to natural calamities.
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