Wednesday, July 11, 2012


New York, 'A city that never sleep' is truly a very vibrant city, day and night. You won't understand until you were practically inside. To describe New York one may  use any word like, huge, tall, congested, fast, fun, fair, free, crowded and it will fits it all. Washington DC is always called 'Most powerful city in the World' while New York is called 'Greatest city in the World'. It is probably true on both.

That day, July 10 2012 (Tuesday) was a special day for us, especially for Pu Bela, as he travelled from the World's Most Powerful City to the World's Greatest City in the World and back.

My wife and I wanted to take Rev.Vanlal Bela to New York City to show him what its really look like. I had asked  my kids if they would like to come along, but nobody wished to. To visit US without seeing New York is rather incomplete, thats why we would like to take Pu Bela before he went back to India. Even though Rev. Bela kept on saying he had seen New Delhi and never believed there could be any better. However, once we got there and be there, we didn't have to say anything; he was automatically convinced that there could be a better and greater city than New Delhi!

We went there just for a day. But it was long enough for him to have some idea about the city, especially Manhattan, I guess.

Rev. Bela adjusted well in the Street of New York .

New York Subway, on the way to Battery Park where we would ride a ferry from, to go to Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty one reason to go to New York

Walking in the walkway around the island, by the statue.

Twin Tower; remake under construction. So so tall.

Mahanttan in the background--Freedom Tower the tallest of them all.
Taking a break while viewing New York skyline.

On top of Empire State Building..viewing the greatness of the city.

Looking down from the viewing gallery- Empire State Building.

Times square is where young people like us flock together.

A young girl  had her naked body painted over..people love to see her.

Times Sq. contemplating where to go next?

Madame tussauds  of course, Morgan Freeman standing outside, free for everyone to take a picture with.

Long but peaceful Tunnel under the water on the way Baltimore.

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